Josera Josilac Classic

Organic silage additive for processing silaged material – premium product for the best silage.

Packaging type:

1,25 kg
6,25 kg 
12,5 kg
25 kg

Silage is an important feed source in animal nutrition. However, the quality of silage depends on various factors during harvest, storage, and usage. To improve silage quality, silage additives can be used. Silage additives enhance fermentation, reduce nutrient loss, lower pH levels, inhibit the growth of unwanted microorganisms, and increase digestibility. Josera Josilac Classic is a biological silage additive used to enhance silage quality. Josera Josilac Classic contains highly concentrated homofermentative lactic acid bacteria and highly effective enzymes. As a result, it provides fast and efficient fermentation in silage. Josera Josilac Classic can be used for ensiling corn, grass, alfalfa, and other plants.

Josera Josilac Classic: The Best Solution for High-Quality Silage

Josera Josilac Classic is a biological silage additive. During the silage process, it is used to accelerate the fermentation of plant material and enhance its quality. Josera Josilac Classic contains a very high concentration of homofermentative lactic acid bacteria and highly effective enzymes. This ensures rapid and effective fermentation during the silage process, resulting in high-quality, tasty, and nutritious silage.

Josera Josilac Classic is a biological silage additive used in silage making. Josera Josilac Classic contains homofermentative lactic acid bacteria in very high concentration and very effective enzymes. This enables fast and efficient fermentation in silage. Josera Josilac Classic can be used for silaging corn, grass, alfalfa, and other plants.

When used in silage making, Josera Josilac Classic offers numerous advantages. It preserves the nutritional value of the silage, increases its digestibility, and protects against heating and mold formation. This enhances animal performance and contributes to higher milk yield and meat quality.

Josera Josilac Classic: Biological Silage Additive Enhancing Silage Quality

Josera Josilac Classic is a biological silage additive containing a high concentration of homofermentative lactic acid bacteria and highly effective enzymes. This results in rapid and efficient fermentation in silage. Josera Josilac Classic can be used for ensiling corn, grass, alfalfa, and other plants.

The standout features of Josera Josilac Classic are as follows:

  • Suitable for organic farming: Josera Josilac Classic is approved for organic farming. It is a completely natural and safe silage additive.
  • DLG test: Josera Josilac Classic has been tested by DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft – German Agricultural Society). The product holds milk quality labels 1b, 1c, 4b, and 4c.
  • Turbo-Effect technology: Josera Josilac Classic provides the best silage quality even under challenging conditions through Turbo-Effect technology. This technology rapidly reduces pH levels, ensuring silage preservation.

Primary Application Range of Josera Josilac Classic

Grass Silage Corn Silage Legumes Whole Crop Silage Silage for Biogas Production
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Usage Instructions for Josera Josilac Classic

Follow these steps to use Josera Josilac Classic:

  • Prepare the product: Dilute Josera Josilac Classic in a ratio of 1 gram per 1 liter of water, just before harvesting the plants for silage.
  • Apply the product: Apply the prepared mixture by spraying 1 liter per ton of silage. The moisture content of the plants for silage should be between 60-70%.
  • Produce silage: Ensure the silage site is clean, dry, and compactable. The suitable temperature range for ensiling is between 15-25°C.

Benefits of Josera Josilac Classic

When used in silage production, Josera Josilac Classic offers several benefits:

  • Production of high-quality silage: Josera Josilac Classic enables rapid and efficient fermentation, leading to high-quality silage production. The resulting silage has a low pH, high nutritional value, and high digestibility.
  • Enhancement of animal performance: Josera Josilac Classic increases digestibility, thereby improving animal performance. It contributes to higher milk yield and meat quality.
  • Extended preservation of silage quality: Josera Josilac Classic inhibits the growth of unwanted microorganisms and prevents heating and mold formation in silage. This helps preserve silage quality for an extended period.

Advantages of Josera Josilac Classic

Using Josera Josilac Classic in silage production offers several advantages:

  • Preservation of silage’s nutritional value: Josera Josilac Classic prevents protein loss and preserves the nutritional value of silage.
  • Enhancement of silage digestibility: Josera Josilac Classic increases silage digestibility, improving animal performance. It contributes to higher milk yield and meat quality.
  • Protection against heating and mold formation: Josera Josilac Classic inhibits the growth of unwanted microorganisms and prevents heating and mold formation in silage, thus maintaining its quality over time.

Frequently Asked Questions about Josera Josilac Classic

  1. What is the DLG test?
    The DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft – German Agricultural Society) test is used to assess the quality and effectiveness of feed additives. The DLG test employs various criteria to determine the quality and effectiveness of additives. Josera Josilac Classic has undergone DLG testing and holds milk quality labels 1b, 1c, 4b, and 4c. These labels indicate the product’s impact on milk quality. The 1b and 1c labels indicate a significant improvement in milk quality, while the 4b and 4c labels indicate improvement in milk quality.
  2. What is Turbo-Effect?
    Turbo-Effect is a feature of Josera Josilac Classic. This feature rapidly reduces the pH level of silage, ensuring its preservation.
  3. Which forage crops is Josera Josilac Classic suitable for?
    Josera Josilac Classic can be used for ensiling corn, grass, alfalfa, and other plants.
  4. How is Josera Josilac Classic applied?
    Josera Josilac Classic should be prepared just before harvesting the plants for silage. The product should be diluted in a ratio of 1 gram per 1 liter of water. This mixture should then be sprayed at a rate of 1 liter per ton of silage.
  5. What is the shelf life of Josera Josilac Classic?
    The shelf life of Josera Josilac Classic is 2 years from the production date. Store the product in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.


Additional information

Weight 0.100 kg

Rapid decrease of pH level
High protein protection
More sugar and lactic acid

For fast and effective safeguarding of silage quality – included in Josilac classic